It’s the first day of school, and Curious George has been invited to Mr. Apple’s class to be a special helper! George is just the right monkey for the job—until he starts to wreak his usual havoc, that is. Red and yellow paint makes orange, yellow and blue makes green . . . and a mixture of all the paint colors makes a big mess! Curious George and the First Day of School is a story based on H. A. and Margret Rey’s popular primate and painted in the original watercolor and charcoal style.
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Reading Level: 6+
"Curious George's Fist Day of School by Margret Rey is a story of George, a monkey, and his first day at school being a helper. George was more than excited to be going to school! He could not wait. George helped the students with their math, reading, and recess. But when art time came around that is when the trouble began. George was curious, as usual, to see what would happen when the paint colors were mixed together. Although he didn't mean to, George ended up making a big mess! But in the end all the students came together to help cleanup George's accidental mess. This would be a great book to read at the beginning of school to show the students how nice it can be to help a fellow classmate out! The illustrations through the book were full of color and fun. I loved the classic drawing that you see in ever Curious George adventure!"
"A cute story about George's first day of school. He is a great helper for the students all day but there was a time when his help just caused disaster. There is a great lesson taught with this story, if you help others they will help you in return."
Click here for the original review
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