The Rainbow Fish by Marcus Pfister (Big Book)

The Rainbow Fish by Marcus Pfister (Big Book)

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See more: Paperback

Note: This is a "Big Book" version

The Rainbow Fish is an international bestseller and a modern classic. Eye-catching foilstamping, glittering on every page, offers instant child-appeal, but it is the universal message at the heart of this simple story about a beautiful fish, who learns to make friends by sharing his most prized possessions, that gives the book its lasting value.

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Reading Level: 6+


"Read this with my daughter. The sparkly fins on the fish were cute and caught her attention and story was a good one about how to share with others and how it will make you happy. "

"Of course this is a classic, it was one of the first books I got when I was little. Its a good book to teach about individuality and sharing and several other social skills. The colors are great in the book and the little metallic scales really add to the story. Kids love this book, I know I read it over and over."

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